Course Selection

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Karate, Traditional Okinawan
If you are interested in improving yourself, learning self-defense and getting in shape, this is the class for you.  Space is limited.  It is required that all new students visit a class before registering.  
Visit for more information.
After you have passed the green belt test, you have the option to move up to the advanced class that meets additionally on Saturdays.

6 week sessions are offered year round
Classes taught by Michael Schaefer, 9th Degree Black Belt

Session l:      January 7 - February 13
Session ll:     February 18 - March 27
Session lll:    April 1 - May 8
Session lV:  
Session V:    
Session Vl:  
Session Vll:  
Session Vlll:  
Session Vllll:
Time:  Tues:  6:30 - 7:45 pm,Thur: 6:30 - 7:45 pm, Saturday: 9 - 11
Location: Neighborhood Club

Lifeguard Certification Courses
Must be at least 15 years of age by the last day of class and successfully complete the two prerequisite swimming skills evaluations on the first day of class.  The primary purpose of the courses in the American Red Cross Lifeguarding program is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide professional-level care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) professionals take over.
Participants who successfully complete the Lifeguarding course will be issued a Lifeguarding with CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and First Aid certification that is valid for 2 years. The online component (approximately 6 hours) will be emailed to participants one week prior to the start of class and must be completed and passed the first in-person day of the course.

Prerequisite 1:
Complete a swim-tread-swim sequence without stopping to rest:
▪ Jump into the water and totally submerge, resurface then swim
150 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination
of both. (Swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim
goggles are allowed)
▪ Maintain position at the surface of the water for 2 minutes by
treading water using only the legs
▪ Swim 50 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke or a
combination of both

Prerequisite 2:
Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds:
▪ Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. (The face may be in or out
of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed).
▪ Surface dive (feet-first or head-first) to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to
retrieve a 10-pound object.
▪ Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return
to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both
hands and keeping the face out at or near the surface.
▪ Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.

This course is currently being enhanced by the
American Red Cross at

Fee: $260 (Includes non-refundable course fee, fanny pack,
Lifeguard e-manual, Pocket CPR mask and certification fee) If
a participant cancels 7 days prior to the start of the class, only a
$15 processing fee will be deducted. If a participant cancels less
than 7 days prior, only the $46 certification fee will be refunded.

November 2024 class  CANCELLED due to low enrollment
Register below for classes begining in January 2025

Session 1:  Register by:   January 16, 2025
Class dates:   Tuesday,   January 21, 4 - 8pm
                       Thursday,  January 23, 4 - 8pm
                       Friday,       January 24, 4 - 8pm
                       Saturday,  January 25, 9am - 6pm
                       Sunday,     January 26, 10am - 2pm
Cost:              $260/person
Instructor:       Aubrey
Minimum 4, Maximum 6 participants

Session 2:      Register by:  February 27, 2025
Class dates:   Tuesday,   March 4, 4 - 8pm
                       Thursday, March 6, 4 - 8pm
                       Friday,      March 7, 4 - 8pm
                       Saturday, March 8, 9am - 6pm
                       Sunday,   March 9, 10am - 2pm
Cost:              $260/person
Instructor:       Justin and Sarah
Minimum 6, Maximum 15 participants
Session 3:     Register by:  March 27, 2025
Class dates:   Tuesday,    April 1, 4 - 8pm
                       Thursday,  April 3, 4 - 8pm
                       Friday,       April 4, 4 - 8pm
                       Saturday,   April 5, 9am - 6pm
                       Sunday,     April 6, 10am - 2pm
Cost:               $260/person
Instructor:       Justin and Sarah
Minimum 6, Maximum,  15 participants

For questions please email:

Please Note:  If you send an email to be placed on the wait  list, include the following information:
Participant's name, grade/age, activity, parent's contact cell number/email.

Water Safety Instructor (WSI) Course
Candidates must attend all days/times in the seassion.
There are required online portions to be completed before the first day of class.
Prerequisites for the Water Safety Instructor Course:

  1.    Be at least 15 years of age by the end of training
  2.    Pass swim skills evaluation:
  3.   Candidates must demonstrate and proficiently complete 25 yards of the following strokes: front crawl, back  
        crawl, breast stroke, side stroke, elementary backstroke, and butterfly    
  4.    Maintain back float for 1 minute
  5.    Maintain treading water for 1 minute


The American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course is designed to prepare instructor candidates to plan, prepare, and teach Red Cross Learn-To-Swim and Water Safety programs. The course focuses on teaching water safety concepts and swimming progressions, lesson planning and management strategies, along with best-practice teaching methods for all swimmers and techniques for communicating with families.

At the Neighborhood Club, we offer the American Red Cross blended-learning training course which consists of a comprehensive self-paced online course and in-person training session.

The online course features 7-hours of simulated learning where candidates interact with multiple scenarios that require them to use lesson planning and teaching strategies and apply water safety and classroom management concepts. E-Learning is completed at the candidate's convenience and must be completed prior to our in-person training.

Our in-person training provides candidates with the opportunity to build their swimming technique, photographic-eye, and practice giving and receiving valuable feedback from their instructor trainer. At the start of our in-person training, Instructor candidates are required to demonstrate the competency in pre-requisite skills which can be found below. Upon successful completion of the WSI class, participants will receive an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor certification (WSI) valid for 2 years. Students must attend all scheduled days and times of the in-person course and complete the online course.

Instructor: Aubrey Ziems

                  Saturday, February 1,    1pm - 3pm
                  Tuesday, February 11,   4pm - 8pm
                  Thursday, February 13,  4pm - 8pm
                  Saturday, February 15,   9am - 5pm
                  Tuesday, February 18,   4pm - 7pm
                  Thursday, February 20,  4pm - 7pm
                  Satruday, February 22,   9am - 12pm
Register By:  Janurary 31, 2025
Fee:               $245/person
Location:        Neighborhood Club Board Room, 2nd floor/Aquatic Center, 1st floor
Instructor:      Aubrey
Minimum participants 4, Maximum participants 6

For questions please email:

Cancellation Policy:
Refunds will be made if the registrant cancels 7 days prior to the start of the course, with a processing fee of $15 deducted.
If a cancellation is made within 7 days prior to the start date, only the $40 certification fee will be refunded.