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All > Youth Activity > Fit Pals Club > NC Fit Academy - Kids Care ages 12 months - 8 Winter 2025

NC Fit Academy - Kids Care ages 12 months - 8 Winter 2025 [* Members only *]

Nc Fit Academy Kids Care - ages 12 months - 8  
Parents MUST remain in the building while your child is in the care of the Neighborhood Club.

While you take care of yourself, we'll take care of your kids!  Our friendly and professional staff will provide you with worry-free childcare while you work out.  Kids (ages 12 months - 8 years) are safe and entertained in Kids Care.

Our littlest members are in a safe and caring environment with many age appropriate activities.  Please label all your child's belongings (coat, bag, bottles, pacifier, drinking cup, etc.)  The child care attendant will contact you via cell phone or over the loudspeaker if you are needed (e.g. diaper change). We require a 24 hour notice to cancel.

MINIMUM number participants: 3, MAXIMUM number of participants: 10

Beginning:  January 10
Fridays:      8:30 - 10:30 am
Saturdays:  Are not available at this time
Fees:          Family Membership $10/ per child per day, Non-Family Membership $20 per child per day
Location:     Neighborhood Club, Preschool Room
Instructor:    Fridays:  Jen Cotzias - Preschool Director
                                   Charlotte Burns - Wellness Coordinator
                    Saturdays: Are not available at this time

For more information or deadline has passed, please contact Charlotte 313-885-4600 ext. 11, for possible availability.

*Note for completing registration online.  You will be prompted to update your childs information prior to check out.  If you do not update the information you will be returned to the log in page.   If you would rather, you are more than welcome to come into the Neighborhood Club and we will register for you, as we cannot process any registrations over the phone.

Click to register
1. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, January 10, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 1/8/2025
Deadline passed, please email us at for assistance

2. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, January 17, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 1/15/2025
Deadline passed, please email us at for assistance

3. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, January 24, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 1/22/2025
Deadline passed, please email us at for assistance

4. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, January 31, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 1/29/2025
Deadline passed, please email us at for assistance

5. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, February 7, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 2/5/2025
Deadline passed, please email us at for assistance

6. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, February 14, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 2/12/2025
Deadline passed, please email us at for assistance

7. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, February 28, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 2/26/2025, members only $10

8. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, March 7, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 3/5/2025
** Open date: 2/28/2025 ** available to register on open date

9. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, March 14, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 3/12/2025
** Open date: 2/28/2025 ** available to register on open date

10. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, March 21, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 3/19/2025
** Open date: 2/28/2025 ** available to register on open date

11. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, April 4, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 4/2/2025
** Open date: 3/28/2025 ** available to register on open date

12. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, April 11, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 4/9/2025
** Open date: 3/28/2025 ** available to register on open date

13. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, April 18, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 4/16/2025
** Open date: 3/28/2025 ** available to register on open date

14. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, April 25, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 4/23/2025
** Open date: 3/28/2025 ** available to register on open date

15. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, May 2, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 4/30/2025
** Open date: 4/25/2025 ** available to register on open date

16. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, May 9, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 5/7/2025
** Open date: 4/25/2025 ** available to register on open date

17. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, May 16, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 5/14/2025
** Open date: 4/25/2025 ** available to register on open date

18. Kids Care Ages 12 mos - 8, Fri, May 30, 8:30 - 10:30 am, Attendant: Jen Cotzias, Register by 5/28/2025
** Open date: 4/25/2025 ** available to register on open date