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Fitness class: Valentine's Day with Partner Yoga [* Members only *]


Keep the love going this Valentine's Day with PARTNER YOGA
Grab a significant other, a friend, or a family member for a night of yoga, connection, and fun!

Partner yoga is a powerful partner practice that emphasizes verbal and nonverbal communication, strengthens relationships, and awakens the playful child in all of us.  After warm-ups and poses on your mat, you will practice leaning into and supporting your partner.  You may be surprised by how much deeper you can sink into stretches and release tension with your partner's help.

Not just for couples!  Feel free to bring your BFF, sibling, parent, or grandparent!

Friday:     February 14
Register by:  February 13
Time:       5:00pm - 6:00pm
Fee:         MEMBERS ONLY
Location:  Neighborhood Club Fitness Studio
Instructor:  Sierra

For all levels of students, no experience is needed.  Membership required.
Maximum participants:  20

Click to register
1. Partner Yoga, Friday, February 14, 5:00 - 6:00pm, NCRWC Fitness Studio, Register by 2/13/2025
Deadline passed, please email us at for assistance